1. General

Best Transport AB, org. nr. 556623-6278, (”Best”) provides digital applications and services, including but not limited to Google Play (Android) and the App Store (iOS). All applications and services provided by Best are referred to as the “Services“.

By signing up for or otherwise using the Services, you are included as a private individual and a customer (”Customer”) in a binding agreement with Best. The terms of agreement that apply to your use of the Services are stated in this end-user license agreement (”Agreement”).

2. User Rights

The Services and all content contained in the Services belong to Best.

Best hereby grants the Customer a limited, non-exclusive and non-transferable right to use the Services in accordance with these terms and conditions. The services are provided by reference to a downloadable link and are installed by the Customer on its device. Best may revoke the license to use the Services at any time.

The Services and all content of the Services are licensed to the Customer. The Customer agrees that the ownership, copyrights and other intellectual property rights of the Services, as well as documentation and other material, shall be added to Best or third parties, and the rights shall not in any event be transferred to the Customer through this EULA.

The Customer may not, in whole or in part, copy, modify or process the Services other than what they are intended for.

Nor may the Customer make available, rent or otherwise make the Services available to third parties. The Customer shall not in any way take any action or use the Services in such a way as to attempt to extract, create or reuse any part of data, source code or other content provided by, within or through the Services, including “bulk downloads” or the flows of map data or images, or the creation of databases based on results from the Services. The Customer agrees that any attempt to take such action will cause legal action from Best.

The Customer agrees that the Customer is not allowed to attempt to access source code for the Services through reverse engineering, decompilation or other similar.

3. Modifications, support and update of Services

Best regularly updates the Services. The customer is informed of new updates appropriately. The customer can always retrieve information about new updates and changes via the update log for the individual services on Google Play and the Apple Store. Customer is responsible for maintaining hardware, operating system, custom settings, and other software compatibility.

4. Personal Data

Best may collect and/or store personal data through Customer’s use of the Services. For more information about such handling, please see our Privacy Policy available on our website https://www.besttransport.se/integritetspolicy/

5. Guarantee and Liability Limitiation

Best ensures that the Services essentially meet program specifications or other product materials, but not completely free from program errors. Customer agrees that such program error freedom can’t be guaranteed and that the Services are provided “as is”. Best does not provide any other guarantees. Best also makes no guarantees regarding and accepts no liability for any product or service that is marketed or offered by a third party in or through the Services or any linked website.

The Customer can’t claim any claims against Best due to the Services’ function or error in the Services, or in its documentation. To the extent permitted by applicable law, Customer agrees that if Customer has a problem with or is dissatisfied with the Services, Customer’s rights are limited to uninstalling any software related to the Services and stop using the Services.

Best is not responsible for the result the Customer generates through the use of the Services. The Customer is responsible for his or her own use of the Services and shall keep Best harmless in the event of any claims made by Customer, User or other party to Customer as a result of Customer’s use of the Services, this EULA or for the termination of this EULA.

Best shall under no circumstances be liable to the Customer for indirect damages, consequential damages, loss of use, loss of data or business or loss of profit.

6. Remuneration and Payment Terms

The use of the Services is free of charge for a certain period of time to allow the Customer to test the Services. The customer is then entitled to terminate the agreement through Google Play and the App Store. Otherwise, the Customer will be billed monthly for their use through the Google Play and App Store subscription feature.

The payment and payment terms that apply to the specific Services can be found on our website https://www.besttransport.se

Best has the right to adjust quoted prices in accordance with applicable Google Play and App Store terms.

Payments are made automatically via the Google Play and App Store subscription feature.

7. Term and Termination of EULA

This EULA is applicable until further notice and is adjusted in accordance with current Google Play and App Store regulations regarding application subscriptions.

Either party is entitled to terminate the agreement if the other party in any essential way fails to fulfill its obligations under this EULA.

With the termination of this EULA, Customer ceases to use the Services.

8. Best Transport AB contact details

If you have any questions regarding this EULA, please contact us at our e-mail address dataprivacy@besttransport.se or by phone +46 8 470 33 00.

9. Applicable Law and Dispute

Swedish law is applicable to this EULA. Disputes concerning the interpretation or application of this EULA shall be decided by the General Court, with the Stockholm District Court as the first instance.